America is Under Siege by Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk

America is under siege. Parental absence and disconnection are rampant in America. Of CNN’s list of the “27 Deadliest Mass Shootings in U.S. History,” only one perpetrator was raised by his biological father since childhood.
The horrible massacre of 31 innocent people a few weeks ago in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, was staggering for Americans. Once again, we witnessed ghastly multiple murders. It is happening regularly, with no end in sight. Though it is heart-wrenching to recall, we must not forget the slaughter of 20 precious kindergartners and 6 adult staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School, or the killing of 12 teenagers and 1 faculty member at Columbine High School, just a few miles from our home in Colorado. America watched through their tears another brutal bloodbath of 14 students and 3 teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and a Sunday morning mass murder of worshippers at a Baptist church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Twenty-six churchgoers died there. Another assault occurred in a synagogue in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where 11 Jewish men and women were mowed down. Then, there was the vicious attack by a shooter standing in a hotel window in Las Vegas, Nevada, where 58 people lost their lives in a barrage of gunfire. Sadly, we could list dozens of more incidents.

These are the Times By Hal Lindsey

These are times of brutality, vulgarity, rage, and recklessness. We live in an age of pestilence, earthquakes, extreme weather, and signs in the heavens. This is the era of humanism, dark arts, floods of pharmaceuticals, and spiraling levels of mental illness. We are entering a season of uncertainty, fearfulness, and escapism. The spring of pride is fast becoming the winter of despair.

Everything on the list above is a sign that we are approaching the last of the last days. And it’s a list that could go on for pages and pages. For those of us who love our fellow human beings and our country, seeing these biblical signs play out is not pleasant. But we must remember where we’re going. This road travels through tough terrain, but it’s headed for glory.

I don’t know how long the world can go on in this condition. But I do know that things could fall apart in short order. The moral foundation of the world’s leading nation has, in only a few decades, been largely abandoned. The resulting chaos prepares the whole world to follow Antichrist and the False Prophet. Our society worships technology, honors blasphemy, rejects truth, believes lies, and is becoming progressively more violent. Those are the Antichrist’s main attributes.

As you read these words, I hope you will not despair. Instead, I hope they will encourage you to remember where your hope and security really lie. They are not in this world or the institutions of this world. They are in Jesus Christ and His kingdom.

On more than one occasion, Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd.” He who laid down His life for us, will not stop caring for us just because we live in dark days. A good shepherd watches over the sheep of His pasture. He protects them from harm. He makes sure that their needs are met.

Psalm 84:11-12 says, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, How blessed is the man who trusts in You!”

That’s just as true today as it has ever been. No matter how dark the time, we walk in the light of Jesus Christ!

Not only does He promise to care for us in times of difficulty, His word teaches that He will remove us from this world before the worst of the dark times ahead. Titus 2:13 in the English Standard Version says, “Waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Soon, He shall appear and snatch us away from this world. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 says, “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.”

Those words should comfort us. They should also spur us to action. Don’t give in to the despair of our times. Instead, let the urgency of the hour draw you ever closer to the Lord and His word.

People everywhere need Jesus, and we need to faithfully share Him. He’s the only hope. The darkness of our times should remind us of 2 Corinthians 4:6. “Light shall shine out of darkness.”


PROGRAMMING NOTE: I hope you can join me every Sunday evening at 11PM EST on Daystar, or online anytime at or for my line by line examination of Revelation. If you missed any episodes in this study, you can catch up by visiting