The Bible and the Constitution by D. James Kennedy Ministries


America is a Christian nation. Does that statement surprise you? Does it offend you? If so, it is because you don’t understand the historical foundations of our nation or the basis for your freedoms.

On this program, we’ll show you how those who are in the process of eroding our hard-won freedoms have used secularism as the solvent to dissolve the Constitution as written—and they’ve used federal judges to apply it. And we’ll give you the opportunity to do something about it!

And Dr. Kennedy gives fresh inspiration for Christians to become more knowledgeable about the godly heritage given to us and then more active in standing up to the forces of secularism.

How Verifiability Separates Christianity from Every Other Religious Worldview


What is the one distinctive difference between the Christian faith and other world religions? How should this critical difference guide us as we share Christianity with others? In this clip from J. Warner’s class on the Resurrection (offered at Southern Evangelical Seminary), J. Warner provides several tools and strategies for investigating and mastering the evidence for the Resurrection.

Amazing Atheist Documentary | Ray Comfort (HD)


Every Christian and atheist could learn a lot about courtesy from this amazing atheist—even during the verbal jousting. You are going to enjoy this… | Get the Amazing Atheist study guide for free here!… Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team.

Answers In Genesis: History of the Human Race, Neglected biblical clues to ancient history (Part 20)


“New biblical discoveries” is a dangerous phrase. The Bible is unchanging, and announcements of “new” findings in the Word of God should be met with suspicion. On the other hand, the Bible is a large book that requires a lifetime of study to master. It provides the only infallible account of the history of the human race, and mastery of all the details also demands diligent effort.

Might we have neglected some plain signposts in the text that illuminate the earliest events of human civilization? Tune in to find out! Featuring Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson and Ken Ham.

Visit All Answers in Genesis videos, live streaming, and much more—all in one place.

Far-left ‘fuelling’ violent protests across US


Far-left groups, including Antifa, are stoking violence and engaging in “mindless lawlessness” under the guise of protesting police brutality, according to Sky News host Rita Panahi.

A state of emergency has been declared in Georgia and the National Guard has been called in as violence spreads to 30 cities across the United States over the death of George Floyd.

Mr Floyd was an unarmed black man who died after a Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck for more than eight minutes as he told them “I can’t breathe”.

US President Donald Trump has urged officials in Minnesota to “get tougher” on protestors, as officers brace for a fifth night of unrest in Minneapolis.

His death has been condemned from across the political spectrum, with the officer who knelt on Mr Floyd’s neck, Derek Chauvin, charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

Ms Panahi said while some people are protesting peacefully, many are “straight out rioters and thugs.”