Who Blends Animal and Human DNA? – Answers News: August 30, 2021


Connecticut bear steals package; Lawmakers fail to block research into human-animal hybrids; Survey shows correlation between worldview and belief in alien life; HuffPost tries to marginalize Ken Ham; Geologists try to explain why millions of years of rocks are missing; Harvard biologists publish a statistical model to prop up their evolutionary worldview; Fewer Americans assert a Christian worldview . . . and other stories reviewed during this August 30, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.

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Man in his pomp yet without understanding is like the beasts that perish. – – – – – – – – – – –

Psalm 49:20

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The NEA and Marxism | D. James Kennedy Ministries


The 3 million-member National Education Association recently passed a resolution to promote Critical Race Theory. Dr. Frank Wright looks at the teacher’s union and their push for radical Marxism in his “Truths That Transform” commentary.

CBN NewsWatch AM: August 31, 2021


Taliban celebrate as US forces finish withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving some Americans behind; search and rescue teams looking for those stranded by Hurricane Ida; CBN’s Operation Blessing in the region to help with relief efforts. These stories and more on CBN’s Newswatch for Tuesday, August 31st.

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PROOF the Biden administration is lying about EVERYTHING | Glenn Beck


The Biden administration recently lied about The White House dog, Major, and his history of biting Secret Service agents. So, Glenn argues, if they’re willing to lie about something so meaningless to the American people, what will they NOT lie about? It’s safe to assume they’re currently lying to you about EVERYTHING — from the ‘new & improved’ Taliban, to the number of Americans left behind in Afghanistan…
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Dizzy Dems Say To Get Free Stuff, Give Up Your Freedoms | Wilkow | Ep 253


Biden wants the federal budget to increase to $8.2 TRILLION. You read that right. But the progressive finance model is about to collapse, and what then? Wilkow argues if the Democrats get their way over the next two years, there may be no going back. The Democrats cannot increase the number of people who will expect to receive while continually decreasing the number of people paying taxes. If we don’t course-correct soon, all the “free” help Dems give won’t help anyone at all. FreedomWorks president Adam Brandon joins to talk about his new book, “A Republic, Not a Democracy,” and BlazeTV’s Sara Gonzales stops by to talk vaccine mandates.
WATCH more Wilkow: https://blazetv.com/wilkow #blazetv #wilkow #biden ► Subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube! https://bit.ly/2KJHuwu ► Join BlazeTV! https://get.blazetv.com/ ► Sign up for our NEWSLETTER: https://theblaze.com/newsletters Connect with us on Social Media: http://twitter.com/BlazeTV http://instagram.com/TheBlazeTV http://facebook.com/BlazeMedia