Israel & Russia TENSIONS RISING as Putin Targets Jewish Organizations | Watchman Newscast


Host Erick Stakelbeck breaks down Vladimir Putin’s latest flex on Israel amid already strained relations. Multiple Russian Jewish organizations have received threatening letters from the Russian Justice Ministry regarding their work. How should Israel push back against Moscow’s move to outlaw private agencies from helping Russian Jews immigrate to Israel? Watch now on the Watchman Newscast! #Israel #Russia #TheWatchman

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The Eco Friendly City Of The Future Is A Dystopian Hellscape | Matt Walsh


A vision for an eco-friendly city of the future that resembles a human termite colony. The Powers That Be want us all crammed together, eating bugs, and hopped up on drugs. We’ll talk about that today. Also, Joe Biden prepares to declare monkeypox a public health emergency. But is it? Or is it an emergency only for people who engage in certain types of behavior? Plus a shocking poll from 1997 reveals just how far we’ve fallen with race relations. And in our Daily Cancellation, a reality show is under fire for not featuring enough ugly people. Are ugly people the new marginalized minority and favored victim group? I certainly hope so. 

Trans Accepting Justice System Takes Child From Mother | Matt Walsh


A mother loses her rights to her daughter after she comes out as transgender.

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Thou Shalt Do No Murder | D. James Kennedy Ministries


We have experienced a legal earthquake in America. Nearly 50 years after the Supreme Court invented a supposed right to abortion out of whole cloth with no Constitutional grounds, they reversed themselves, returning the issue the states. On today’s program, you’ll see why Roe v. Wade inflicted great evil upon America, and we look at the hysterical Leftist attacks on the current Supreme Court for daring to defy Leftist orthodoxy on abortion. #DJKM #TruthsThatTransform #Abortion #SupremeCourt #ProLife #RoeVWade #OpposingAbortion #SupportingCapitalPunishment

Path to Control: What Biden’s Climate Change Emergency Is REALLY About | Glenn TV


A national “climate emergency” seems inevitable. Glenn reveals how climate academics and activists have been gaming this out for years. They know exactly what they are going to do once Biden pulls the trigger. So many scary options become available once a national emergency is declared. Countries must feel the squeeze and in many cases … COLLAPSE. It’s happening all over the world. Industries like farming, ranching, and energy are imploding. People are starting to rise up and push back on the Gr*** Re**, but in many places it’s already too late. Glenn shows how the Gr** Re*** has already caused nations to fall after just four years of policy implementation. America is currently on year two of Biden’s Build Back Better. Are the riots and collapse of Sri Lanka’s government in America’s future? Despite clear evidence that all of this is creating national suicide for other countries, Biden pushes ahead. What this really all about? Hint: not saving the environment. #blazetv #glennbeck #glenntv

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