Israel’s war against Hamas is now taking place deep inside the compact urban areas of Gaza. Meanwhile, the FBI is now warning that Hamas may attack inside the United States. Also, the war has now officially expanded beyond the Holy Land, as the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen confirmed they fired a ballistic missile at Israel.
Even witchcraft is popular… but is this another sign of God’s warning from the Bible?
Revelation 9:21 “And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.”
Revelation 12:9 “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world;”
Revelation 13:3-5 “And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. 4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?””
NPR recently interviewed an author who spent a year practicing witchcraft in order to better understand it “as a religion.” And apparently, the occult has gone from taboo to popular … especially among a certain demographic. Glenn reviews the one thing most “witches” seem to have in common: They’re VERY liberal. It also comes as no surprise to Glenn that many “witches” identify as trans. This, he argues, is due to another phenomenon: The witch and trans communities are full of “edge lords.” What is an edge lord? Watch to find out …
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.11 Thenmany false prophets will rise up anddeceive many.12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will growcold.Matthew 24
The chilling hate that spews from the media and Marxist left is on full display as they lie, exaggerate, and try to spread fear across America against CHRISTIANS. Yes, regular, plain, Bible believing Christians just like you.
Evangelist Ray Comfort said the “horror” unfolding against Israelis at the hands of Hamas is “heartbreaking,” describing the evil nature of the terrorists responsible for the carnage. “These guys are demonic,” the Living Waters founder said. “They’re full of hatred and venom towards anyone who’s Jewish, and my heart broke.”
As for what drives raging anti-Semitism — a scourge that has long plagued humanity — Comfort said he believes its roots are also “demonic.” “When you look at what happened to Nazi Germany, it just doesn’t make sense why Hitler would be so venomous towards Jewish people,” he said. “And you see it right throughout history.” Comfort has a personal connection to the issue, as he’s Jewish and his great-grandparents fled from Europe and made their way to New Zealand, changing their surname to protect themselves. “My heart breaks that anyone could hate someone, not because of anything they’ve done, but because of who they are,” he added, paraphrasing Jeremiah 17:9-10. “That’s racial prejudice. And it … traces itself back to the human heart — ‘it’s deceitfully wicked above all things; who can know it?'” With so many events focused on the Middle East, many are asking questions about the end of days. Comfort shared how he’s been processing these events. For Comfort, the end times offers another opportunity to evangelize and spread the Gospel. “When we talk of prophecy, we appeal to the intellect,” he said. “When we use the law of Moses, We speak to the conscience, and the Bible says Paul persuaded them concerning Jesus, which is what we’re supposed to do, both out of the law of Moses and out of the prophets.” Comfort continued, “When you appeal to the intellect using prophecy, it’s actually bait when you’re fishing for men. When you use the law of Moses, the Ten Commandments, that’s the hook to pull the fish in. So there is a balance, and I try and get that balance.” When he goes out and shares the Gospel, he said he often find the end times is a “great springboard into the Gospel,” as people have generally heart the terms and themes surrounding the Antichrist, Armageddon and other related ideas. “People are really getting scared,” he said. “Because this could … easily escalate into worldwide attack on anything godly, any Jews, any Christians throughout the world.” Watch him explain these themes. CBN News. Because Truth Matters™ Download the free CBN News App: SUBSCRIBE to the CBN News Channel for more:… SUBSCRIBE to the QuickStart Newsletter by visiting SUBSCRIBE to the Quickstart Podcast. New episodes every morning at 7am:
As Israel steps up its ground attacks in Gaza, Prime Minister Netanyahu warns of a “long and difficult” war, and Jews are threatened in Russia, Iran says Israel has “crossed the red lines,” and Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan calls Israel a war criminal and raises the possibility of sending troops to Gaza; CBN Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell talks from Jerusalem about Israel’s growing invasion, the threats from Iran and Turkey, and how Israel is dealing with the hostage situation; how Hamas is using a location under the largest hospital in Gaza as its main base of operations; with up to 600 American citizens trapped in Gaza, CBN News has a look at one Palestinian-American family still there, and the obstacles they face in getting out. CBN News. Because Truth Matters™ Download the free CBN News App: SUBSCRIBE to the CBN News Channel for more:… SUBSCRIBE to the QuickStart Newsletter by visiting SUBSCRIBE to the Quickstart Podcast. New episodes every morning at 7am: