America’s New Slave Trade | Real Talk PragerU


Does slavery exist in the U.S. today? Border intelligence expert Jaeson Jones says cartels are taking advantage of our open southern border to traffic thousands of men, women, and children into the country. Those illegal immigrants are forced to repay debts to the cartels or risk the safety of themselves and their families. U.S. lawmakers are aware this is happening, so why is it allowed to continue?

Watch Jaeson’s full interview on Real Talk with Marissa for answers. 📲

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Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote? – Eric Weinstein | Chris Williamson


Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss Kamala Harris’ repeated phrase. Where does this phrase come from according to Eric Weinstein? Are we under estimating Kamala Harris according to Eric Weinstein?

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God’s Protection of Israel SCARING Iran & Hezbollah Away From Attacks? | Rosenberg Report


On The Rosenberg Report, host Joel Rosenberg goes into great detail the past two months of waiting on the part of the nation of Israel. The IDF and the Israeli people have been waiting for some kind of response, attack, or something on the part of the nation of Iran and their terror proxy, Hezbollah. Most felt they had reason to expect an attack, but there still has not been such an attack. Why? Looking in the Bible, we see cases where God has intervened to prevent nations and kingdoms from hurting Israel in the past. Is it possible that God is thwarting these enemies once again from committing such an attack? Don’t miss this YouTube exclusive of The Rosenberg Report on TBN! #Israel #Iran #Hezbollah #Hamas #JoelRosenberg #RosenbergReport

Max Lucado’s End Times Survival Guide | The Glenn Beck Podcast


“A page of prophetic history turned in May of 1948,” says Max Lucado about living in what he calls “the fourth quarter.” “Wars and rumors of wars,” the encircling of Israel by her enemies, and the way our world seems to have turned upside down may be the “birth pains of the tribulation.” But Max says we have no need to fear, because “if you want to know the end, go to the beginning,” and Max takes Glenn all the way back to the bliss of the Garden of Eden. In a conversation about AI, transgenderism, the startling rate of teen suicide, and the rise of the antichrist, Max manages to focus on the hope of a millennial kingdom where “Satan is bound and Christ is crowned.” Glenn asks Max to convince him of a pre-tribulation rapture and for his best advice for resisting the “mark of the beast.” After discussing the Olympic opening ceremonies, the pair consider the near-assassination of Donald Trump and how God “doesn’t exist to make a big deal about America,” but we do exist to make a big deal about God.

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How This Election is BEING MANIPULATED | Dr. Phil Primetime


Discover how AI is reshaping the landscape of electoral misinformation! In this eye-opening video, we delve into the mechanisms behind AI-driven disinformation campaigns and their impact on democracy. Stay informed and learn how to recognize the truth in a digital age. #drphil #meritstreetmedia #ai #election2024

Welcome to the Dr. Phil Primetime YouTube Channel! The Dr. Phil Primetime YouTube Channel, featuring Dr. Phil McGraw, will share clips from America’s top talk show host as he turns it up in prime time. Dr. Phil is on a mission to tackle issues that matter to YOU: parents’ rights, social media, education, homelessness, the Fentanyl crisis, and much more—no topic is out of reach, no cow is too sacred, and nobody is too lost to find their way back. Watch Dr. Phil Primetime every weeknight at 8/7p C only on Merit Street. Check your local listings at… or call (877) 844-3700 to find out where to watch! View full episodes of Dr. Phil Primetime anytime on or on the Merit+ app