We are less than a week from the 2024 election. In 2020 at this time, Glenn was busy warning about some of the dirty tricks the Left was “war gaming.” It involved everything from mass protests and street demonstrations to secession. Serious Democrats in positions of power and influence were strategizing behind the scenes. And in 2024, they’re doubling down. Glenn warns that we need to start preparing for what happens if Donald Trump wins on November 5 or if the race is close. Marc Elias, the Democrats’ main lawfare operative, has already declared that this election year is “the most litigious in American history.” Kamala Harris has bragged that they have “teams of lawyers” at the ready. Democratic congressmen have hinted they might not certify the election if Trump wins. And the media is declaring that Trump might try to steal the election.
Asra Nomani, a former Wall Street Journal reporter and “Woke Army” author, has been tracking the foot soldiers’ plans for the election and the weeks after. She says Trump MUST win by a landslide or the fight “will go from the courts to the streets.” She uncovered an orchestrated effort by progressive institutions and organizations that are getting support from “like-minded ideologues in China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea.” Their end goal? CHAOS. Glenn asks a final, chilling question: Are the Left’s election war games connected to a recent revision in DoD Directive 5240.01 that addresses the use of “lethal” military force against Americans? Whatever may happen, Glenn is sure of one thing: Americans MUST VOTE as soon as possible. We cannot stay silent.
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