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Get Truth For The Times Headlines daily by signing up here. Remember “we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.” Join the team of God’s people full of truth and living out the principles of God’s word.
KLPTV is Randy’s Online Video Network, featuring his 20-minute weekly program, StraightTalk, plus a full slate of original Randy Bell programming, news, documentaries, reality, and much more.
KLPTV is based on Christ’s words, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
The way = our NARROW ROAD UNDERGROUND projects includes print, audio, and video explaining that Jesus is the only way to heaven. To follow Jesus in America today you must live a countercultural life that crashes against the norms of society. The way of the Kingdom of Heaven is a narrow way that only a few will find and follow.
The truth = our TRUTH FOR THE TIMES and THE END TIMES online newsletters and print projects focus on defending and explaining how Jesus is the absolute truth that holds all of life together. He is the Creator, holds the earth in His hand, controls time and the future. We can only understand the times we live in by the prophecy and direction of God’s Word.
The life = 7 STEPS TO MATURITY, KINGDOM LIFE PRINCIPLES, and REVIVAL: MISSION POSSIBLE are three online sources for the teaching of Christ with practical and life changing truth explained from God’s Word the Bible.
[KINGDOM LIFE PRINCIPLES] Churches and believers must follow God’s will and ways.
[REVIVAL: MISSION POSSIBLE] We must have a revival to be prepared for the task at hand and pray for a spiritual awakening to rescue our generation from hell. Join us.