Here I Stand: Making the Case for Life by Summit Ministries

Christian Perspective Culture Lawlessness & the Spread of Evil
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The issue of abortion has been shoved to the forefront of our nation’s discourse in recent months. Scott Klusendorf, President of Life Training Institute, gives an update as to what’s happening at the national level, and why it’s vital to engage on this issue at this unique time in our history. Then, Megan Almon presents a clear, compelling case for the pro-life view. She teaches how to bring clarity to the issue in conversations by focusing on the most important question at the center of the whole debate. She makes a case for the humanity of the unborn by appealing to science. And she makes a philosophical argument that demonstrates that there is no relevant difference between embryos and adults that would justify killing the former. Her presentation will equip you to be able to offer compassionate and persuasive answers to pro-life questions in the public arena.