Merrick Garland Doesn’t Understand Gender or Equity | Ep 374 | Allie Beth Stuckey

Christian Perspective Culture Lawlessness & the Spread of Evil
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Today we’re going to break down some of the most important aspects of Judge Merrick Garland’s confirmation hearing. Why is the attorney general important? What job does he actually do within an administration? Unlike the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh or Amy Coney Barrett, the confirmation of Judge Garland is expected to go relatively smoothly. We’ll talk about Judge Garland’s response to Sen. John Kennedy asking him about women in sports and what that means for gender issues going forward. How does it set the tone for what we can expect from the Biden administration? And, what about Tom Cotton questioning Judge Garland on the difference between racial equality and equity? Unfortunately, Judge Garland’s response leaves the door open for critical race theory in government.

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