Atheists’ (Subtle) Strategy to ATTACK Christianity | Ken Ham


This is an atheist’s (subtle) strategy to ATTACK Christianity and the Bible. In this presentation, Ken Ham discusses secularists’ indirect plan to invalidate the entire biblical worldview and the importance of standing on the truth of God’s Word. This video is part of Ken Ham’s Foundations series.

You can watch the other episodes in this series here:…. Visit All Answers in Genesis videos, live streaming, and much more—all in one place. Please help us continue to share the gospel around the world:

Public School Indoctrination | Coral Ridge Ministries


According to Lifeway Research, over 70 percent of young people who attended church during high school leave the church during college. At the same time, transgenderism, depression, mental illness, and suicide are skyrocketing. We examine one of the primary drivers of this ideological campaign–America’s godless public school system–in this sneak peek of our new special, “Brainwashed: The Indoctrination of America’s Youth,” — on this week’s “Truths That Transform.”

#GodlyEducation #RearlingGodlyChildren #Brainwashed #IndoctrinationOfAmericasYouth #EduIndoctrination #PublicSchoolBias #ProtectYoungMinds #ChildhoodManipulation #GuardAgainstGrooming #SafeguardInnocence #YouthLeavingChurch #PerversionOfTruth #CRT #SocialMedia #CoralRidgeMinistries #DJKM #TruthsThatTransform

The Smear of Christian Nationalism | Coral Ridge Ministries


The latest smear of Christian conservatives is the accusation of being a “Christian nationalist.” What is a Christian Nationalist? Dr. Jerry Newcombe provides commentary on how one commentator from Politico defined the term.

#ChristianNationalist #LiberalNameCalling #SelfRuleUnderGod #GodAndCountry #ChristianValues #PatrioticChristian #ChristianCivicDuty #CoralRidgeMinistries #ForGodAndCountry

Deception & Lies, Exposing Major Battles of the End Times: Facing The Controversies with Jack Hibbs


Are you feeling increasingly fearful and confused about the headlines of our day? @RealLifeJackHibbs is no stranger to fear and intimidation tactics or even government threats and has made bold moves that many have shied away from in today’s culture. The Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills exposes the truth about the rampant deception in society and reveals the strategies you need to help put a stop to it! Discover how you can stand unwavering no matter the odds on this #JoniTableTalk!

If you like this video, be sure to hit that subscribe button for more encouraging content, and comment your favorite moment from the show to join the online conversation! 👏 See more full episodes of Joni Table Talk here: SUBSCRIBE here for more encouraging messages like this:…